The more I experience the less I believe that motivation really exists. As I mentioned the other day, you need spirit, heart, desire and determination to get something done or to achieve something. There is no motivation within that and I think the word motivation is thrown round in replace for something else. When you say you ‘need motivation’ or you ‘feel motivated’ I think what you actually need or actually feel is willingness and desire.

The reason I think it is important to find a clear distinction between these feelings and the term ‘motivation’ is because you give credit to a ‘feeling’ when you rely on motivation whereas with feelings of willingness and desire, the credit goes to you because you are the one who felt a certain way about something and got it done. Like with clients when they thank me for being their motivation I tell them that is nonsense and they should thank themselves because it was their willingness and desire that brought them to me in the first place.

In my own mind, replacing the term ‘motivation’ with terms like ‘willingness’ and ‘desire’ makes me feel more in control and responsible and it gives me such a greater sense of achievement for doing things. It is important to understand, especially in your own mind, when you deserve to pat yourself on the back. From time to time, take a look at yourself, praise and thank yourself for everything you have done for you.

It is something that people may find odd at first but it is all about positive reinforcement. Like you would do if your friend, child or pet did something great, praise yourself for doing great too. Intrinsically it is important to manifest a positive relationship with yourself and not over look everything you have ever done. Too many people spend too much time telling themselves off and very little time congratulating themselves. I would keep it on an intrinsic level though because there is a line that you do not want to cross if you were to go around telling everyone else how amazing you are.

To conclude, think more about your willingness and desire than about ‘motivation’ and do not be afraid to congratulate yourself for doing amazing things, however big or little.


James Loughray