Do you have an outfit for a special occasion? Do you have a particular pair of shoes? Do you have a certain perfume or aftershave you like to where when you go somewhere special or to celebrate something? I used to. Using aftershave as my example, I had a favourite aftershave I would wear on special occasions and at no other time. Until something changed! 

What changed for me was a realisation that every single day is special. Everyday, no matter what day of the week it is, if I get the opportunity to wake up and continue living my life, it is a special day. So wherever I am off to, wherever it is work, breakfast, lunch or dinner, I will wear my favourite aftershave. 

People wait a long time before they treat themselves to wearing their favourite outfit, aftershave or whatever else but the truth of it is, what if the opportunity never comes along? What if you never seen an occasion important enough? It is a shame and quite worrying that people do not consider everyday to be a special occasion.  

Understandably, if you are reading this, you have lived a lot of days so I am sure they just feel like normality to you now but everyday you live you get one day closer to not having what you have anymore and the reason I say that is to ensure that you appreciate everything you have. If you are materialistic and buy expensive things, do not shelf them, use them. If you want to treat yourself because you think you deserve it, do not wait for the perfect thing to come along, find a way to make yourself smile.  

Do not wait around for the perfect day or the special occasion because, in actualy fact, every single day is the perfect day and every waking day is a special occasion. You are living a reality that some people could only dream of. Make the most of it. 


James Loughray