Falling victim to your mind is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Your mind distracts you more than anyone or anything else ever has. You may not see it this way or believe that to be true because your mind is a part of you but, you have lost all control of your mind. We all have. Our conscious is what we control! 

How easily is your attention swayed? Exactly, the mind is taking control there. Although, as I do and as I get many others to do, I place false images and thoughts into my mind to trick my body into thinking a certain way. I have noticed that my body reacts a lot to how my mind thinks. Unfortunately, my mind does not always think the way I want it to and it takes control. This is when I realised I had to regain that control and use it to my power, work in unison with my mind and make the most of the correlation between my thoughts and my emotions. 

How do I cope with waking up at 04:30am every morning? I tell myself it is 07:30am and that I have had 8-9 hours sleep. My mind has that image in its head now and I am convincing in my belief so that my body feels the emotions of someone who has just had an amazing sleep. In actual fact, I have slept 6-7 hours with my bedtime of 21:00-21:30pm, I cannot get much more but my mind does not know that. 

I was fascinated when I had the realisation one day that I had every opportunity to control my mind, my thoughts and in essence, my emotions too. Ever had to push through a workout or walk into an intimidating room for the first time? Ever tell yourself 'I can do this' and for a split second, you feel like someone who can. Well, these are the things I am talking about! Use self talk to enhance your perspective on something and make it work in your favour. Going through a tough workout or heading into a nerve racking meeting, 'I can do this, of course I can do this!' Convince yourself, place the image in your head and believe it and see how your body reacts. 

Your emotions are directly linked to your thoughts. Someone can tell me I am wrong, that is fine, but in my situation, it is true. How I am feeling in terms of emotions all depends on what is on my mind. For example, going on holiday soon? Excited. Interviewing for a new job? Nervous. It is on your mind, therefore your emotions are correlating. 

I spend a lot of time telling myself things in order to positively impact my emotional feel. It is one of the reasons why I have this positive ora about me and this is my explanation when people ask how I remain positive. Try it! First of all, realise how much your body reacts in accordance with your thoughts. Stressfully busy mind? I bet your shoulders are up and your back may be tight, you might even be a little itchy. Notice it, take a deep breath and relax. Replace these thoughts with more comforting, calming ones and/ or alter how you are thinking the original thought. Change it from scary and/ or intimidating to exciting and/ or inspiring! 

It is, quite literally, in your control. You control how you feel and you do that through what you think. Think wisely. 


James Loughray