Ever lashed out? Ever lost control? Ever been so angry at something that you feel as though you are no longer you? Well, beneath that anger is going to be pain. Beneath anybodies anger you will find pain. Bare this in mind next time you are angry or you see someone else who is angry. Approach them, calmingly, make them feel comfortable and help ease their pain. 

I see it all the time that somebody will come across as angered or in a bad place and everyone judges them immediately as a 'bad person' but in actual fact, they are in pain. Nobody wants to be angry. Nobody chooses to go about their day in an angry way. If you looked deep enough, there is an underlying pain there that needs to be dealt with and let go. 

I used to get very angry incredibly easily. Nowadays I am able to control my anger and emotions much better. The reason I used to get so angry so quickly was because I had underlying issues that I had not dealt with. I never noticed that these were the problem until I accepted the fact that I get angry for no reason physically, so there must be something impacting me negatively. Then I had to find connections between my emotions and my thoughts, what was it that I was holding onto that I could not let go of? The journey began.

Through a lot of journalling, talking to my closest family, spending a lot of time on my own figuring myself out, I came to the bottom of my emotional anxiety and I processed and dealt with it head on. From that day forward, the changes within me were noticeable and it has all been uphill since then.

The pain I had within that I was holding on to, it had sunk deep because I had left it alone for so long, but it was still there. I dealt with it, I moved forward and now I am here. My fuse is longer, my control over my emotions is stronger and my pain beneath, has lifted. 

What could be causing your pain? Remember, an angry person is someone in pain. They need help, so help them. 


James Loughray