Ladies and Gentleman, it is official. Well, it has been a fact for a while now but to bring it to light I want to make an official announcement. We are all controlled by our mobile phones and electronics. Every single one of us. Is this a bad thing? Yes, it is. Not only is it bad, it is a serious problem and we are going to see a serious drop in true relationships, communication and people skills because of it. 

How do we keep the kids entertained and quiet these days? Correct, iPhones, iPads, playstation and so on. You think it is safer than letting them play outside? Maybe it is safe but in the long run, you are doing them no favours at all. When they grow up and they fall into the trap of spending all of their time on their phone and grow up with social media comparing themselves to false models and lifestyles, we are doomed, as it stands. 

It is a tough one because to get this message out there the best thing for me to do is share it through social media because I know everyone is checking it. Ironic huh! Let me ask you a question and I want you to be honest with yourself. Do you feel slight anxiety when you leave the house or are out and about without your phone? If so, you have a problem. Can you leave your phone at home for a day? Can you cut off from the electronic world and be in the here and now? 

Do you control your phone or does your phone control you? Do you check your phone before you say good morning to the person lying beside you? Can you sit at the table with friends and/or family without checking your phone? Let's be real for a second, the answer to a lot of these questions is probably 'No' and that needs to change. I have to make changes in this department too and I plan to. I have every intention of getting myself to the point where I no longer need to be so reliant on my phone because it is far too controlling. Admit it. 

Things do need to change and these changes need to start now. Face to face communication, not taking photos of anything and everything just to show off what you do, just appreciate the moment and stop being so reactive and desperate for some random persons opinion. Grow up. 


James Loughray