Believe in something, put your time in it, give your energy to it and you will give it life. Like watering a plant allows it to grow, giving energy to something brings it a whole new dimension of life. Your initial thoughts may have been on something like a career or a goal but in actual fact, I want you to think about people. 

As part of my job, as both a personal trainer and a holistic health coach, I put my energy into people in order to give life to them. In actual fact, even when this was not my job and going back to when I was at school, I have always put energy into people to bring them to life. The best up to date examples are those clients that come to the gym in the early hours of the day and the latter hours of the day. They're either tired from waking up early or tired from working all day. My role is to motivate them to want to do the session and to help them through it. If I put energy into it, evident visual energy, it gives the session and the atmosphere life which then allows the client to thrive. 

In your life, do you have any friends that seem low or a little off? Maybe they need a new lease of life or a new found motivation in their life. Your energy, the energy you have, allow it to brush off on them by picking them up rather than supporting their low. If you support somebody on a low and drop to their level, you just manifest in the negatives. You should try and lift them up and have them manifest in your positives, happiness. 

Everywhere you look you will see people that seem like they need a little something. I offer strangers a simple 'hello' or 'good morning' with a beaming smile when I walk past them in the street because that rubs off. I like to express my energy and try and put as much life into everybody that I can. Do not get me wrong, I have off days too but I am surrounded by people who also give me life because they show me their energy. 

Use your energy like a phone charger and share it around to those who seem to need it. Start with the simple 'hello' and 'good morning' strategy with anybody and everybody just to see the impact it has. The special thing here is that you may not always know the effect you have but you will be having one, I can guarantee you that. 

Share your energy and put life into those around you. 


James Loughray