Well, well, well. I have talked about it a lot recently among certain people and decided, rather than being the person who chats about something but does not act on it, I would just act on it. I have always been intimidated by the thought of running a marathon but I have always wanted to tick it off my list. I also have greater aspirations of completing physical challenges on larger scales. Which is why, last night I signed up for an Ironman. 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 (marathon) run to finish off. October 6th in Barcelona is when I will be attempting to tick this off the list!

In the months to come ill be doing a lot of things I am uncomfortable and unfamiliar with. Learning more about my body through training, nutrition, mobility and than I could have ever imagined to know. I do not like the idea of sea swimming, I have never rode a bike further than a commute to work and I have never been brave enough to tackle a marathon distance run. This is going to test me, push me and it is certainly going to give me the opportunity to prove to myself that I am indeed, perfectly capable.

I see this as a window for me. A window by which I can enter into a world that I do not know about yet. I am going to explore my boundaries and have to push myself hard. I always offer advice to people on mentality, perspective, personal growth and so on but now, I have to put everything I say to people to work on myself more consistently than ever. I am inspired by people who do amazing things and I always look to do something that will bring the best out of me, so here I go.

I am excited to learn more about myself and go into the unknown within my mind and physical capabilities. The whole time I will be telling myself that I am perfectly capable because as I have said before, it is does not matter how many people tell you that ‘You’re Perfectly Capable’, all that matters is that you can look at yourself and say that ‘I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE’.

It is time to push my limits! As we are all capable of doing.


James Loughray