Hold on, before you blame somebody for what they did to you in the past, you better be sure to thank them too! I thought not having my father around when I was younger would have an impact on me and it did. For a few years I held a grudge but now I believe I owe him thanks because I am the man I am today partly due to his actions. I am the man I am today thanks to everyone who was there and was not there for me.

Everyone who has ever done anything good for me and anyone who has ever done anything bad to me, I am forever grateful because if not for you, I would not be who I am today. If my family weren’t so amazing when I was growing up I may even be in a better position than I am today because I would have had to fight for more. Who knows! What I do know, however, is regardless of whether or not you have done something good or bad for me, you have made me into who I am.

How many times have you ever blamed somebody for what they have done to you? Have you ever thought to thank them instead. If you are going to blame somebody for doing something to you then at least give them the credit for the strength they taught you too. It may have been inadvertent on their part but for you, it unleashed a beast.

Remember, who you are right now is thanks to the decisions you have made and those decisions come from your thought processes and your thought processes are a token of your experiences and your experiences are thanks to those who have been around you as well as those you have been around. With that said, I am sure you have a lot of thanking to do. Somebody may have spent their entire life bullying you and all they were doing was building character within you. Think about it, you owe these people thanks!

It is all about perspective folks. I do not see the negative in anything. There is good and there is bad but neither of those two are better than the other. All it comes down to is your perspective and what you do with and how you react to what you have been given.


James Loughray