It doesn’t necessarily have to be something major that you need to change in order to welcome more happiness into your life. Just by posting a blog yesterday I immediately felt enlightened and as though I ‘got a load off’. Just from doing that I felt my shoulders relax, my head was held a little higher and I felt almost at ease. Like getting that job done that has been hanging over you for so long or reaching out to that person who you know you should have checked in with. It may be something really small but internally, mentally and spiritually, it makes you feel so much better.

Every single day I come across people who want to change, need to change and know they have to change but they are just not willing to do it. Some people get caught in the ‘attention trap’ which is when you get attention for being negative or constantly moaning. That attention you receive becomes addictive because you experienced someone else showing care for you. That alone is like a short sense of relief from your problems but it certainly is not a long term solution. Do not be one of those people who continues on this negative pathway just with a craving for attention. Do not be one of those people who know they have to change but just refuses to do so.

Or… if you are not willing to change, please stop moaning about it because it is getting you nowhere fast and interrupting the beautiful flow of those around you.

Again I say, nobody is going to change anything for you. People will be there for you, support you and help try to guide you but it is pointless if it falls on deaf ears and you do not do anything from your side. We have all been in a situation where you have offered so much advice and support to someone time and time again but they just do not take it, although they still come back for more. Sigh.

What people do not seem to realise is that just the smallest change to their mentality can make the world of difference to their lives. It does not have to be a major switch, it just has to be a slight change in attitude or perspective. See your life from a different point of view, it may save you.

At some stage you will realise that your happiness is controlled entirely by your internal control room and nobody else has access to that room. You just decide whether you leave that room alone and feed off what others do around you or whether or not you sit your backside down in that control room and sort your own stuff out.

YOU decide if you want to be happy.

YOU make the changes that need to be made in order to welcome that happiness into your life.

YOUR life is in YOUR hands.

What small change can you make today to make a big difference? Maybe start by looking yourself in the eyes and telling yourself that you mean something to this world, we all do.


James Loughray