Am I? Are you? Have you ever sat back and asked yourself if you are OK? The beauty here is, how many times a day does someone say ‘how are you?’ and your response is a short ‘good thanks, you?’ with no real meaning or care to your response or further question. You say that you are OK so many times a day but do you ever sit back and ask yourself? Its a very powerful and brave thing to do because you cannot lie to yourself.

Deep down you know what you are going through, you know if you are happy or if you are sad. You may be able to cover that up in front of others but when it comes to you, within, you cannot lie. Rightly so too, you should never lock up emotion and keep it within because one day it will come to a head and you do not want that to happen unexpectedly. You want to constantly have yourself together so that you do not have to kid yourself that everything is OK. If you cannot be honest with yourself, who can you truly be honest with?

Am I OK? Yes I am.

Have I ever not been OK? Of course I have.

What did you do? Sometimes I did something, other times I did nothing.

It is 100% OK not to be OK. Every time something is wrong, it does not necessarily mean it is an issue. You are allowed to have a down day, a slow day, a day where your 100% is the same as yesterdays 40%. That is absolutely fine and let that be. These are the days where I did nothing, I just smiled my way through the day and found reasons to be happy, which is not hard in this beautiful life we lead.

Other days, days when I did something, these are the days where I know my emotions are down because I am allowing them to be so. These are days where it is not a slow day, I am just being negative and bringing others down around me. Thankfully I know myself well enough to get a hold of this immediately and correct my terminology intrinsically and extrinsically. The words you think and the words you speak are so incredibly powerful, so be careful.

Talk yourself up, compliment others, shine a light on the amazing things you do and do the same for others. Lift someone else up to give yourself a similar feeling of elevation. Be proud of who you are, what you encompass and never let a bad day get you down. It may pass you by, that is fine, take tomorrow by the scruff of the neck.

Regularly check in with yourself, ask yourself the question that will only bring about an honest response… Am I OK?


James Loughray