You never meet anybody by accident. People cross your path for a reason. Immediately, that reason might not be clear but in time, if you pay attention to it, it will become apparent as to why that person was in your life and the role they played. You may see people in a friendship circle, in a relationship, working under a particular boss and think that it looks unhealthy, unusual and that this person shouldn’t be in that situation. All that is going on here is that the person involved has not learnt the lesson that life is trying to teach them by putting them in this situation.

A year or so a go I met a new client. This person has been a client ever since, has moulded into a very close friend and also a business partner. Alongside this client, friend and now business partner is a husband who also came into my life through the initial meeting. For more reasons than I can stress in a blog, I was meant to meet these people. The roles they play in my life vary constantly, they could be like clients, like a brother or a sister, like a mum or dad or just simply like friends. I could real off many reasons as to why we were meant to meet but I hold onto the fact that the true meaning of our paths crossing is yet to be revealed but when it is, it is going to be massive.

I hate being spoon fed. As easy as it would be to be handed everything in life you will not learn anything that way. You want to be surrounded by people that will guide you but not lead you. You do not want to be a follower, you want to take advice and guidance as and when but you need to mould it to work for you in your life. Everything you are told is based off of the experience of the person handing it to you. Mouthful to read there? Sorry!

All of this comes back to these two incredible people that walked into my life last year and the best piece of advice they ever gave me. ‘Will it make the boat go faster?’ This refers to decisions you make in life, relating to your journey, where you are and where you want to be. When you make a decision, what are you basing it off? How you feel right now or how you want to feel in the long run? Applying this concept to your decisions puts into perspective the potential outcome of making a change, or not making that change. Will the decision you are about to make indeed make the boat go faster? Will it steer you toward where you want to go and what you want to ultimately achieve? If not, then why do it?

Do not forget that sometimes in order for the boat to go faster it must first slow down to improve on what it is capable of. A few steps back now for long strides forward in the future is not a bad thing at all and you should never hold yourself back because the short term turns you around. In the long run, it will catapult you and that is what you want.

So, I ask you, will the decisions you are thinking about making with regard to your life right now, make the boat go faster?


James Loughray