Whatever it is you are doing, always do that little bit more when you are done so that you know you have that little extra in the bag when you need it. For example, during my training I am adding an extra minute, length, hill into my sessions when I can in order to put more money in the bank for when the Ironman comes round. Why? To callus my mind!  

David Goggins ladies and gentleman. I have mentioned him before, the Navy Seal who went through it all growing up and gave himself the title of the worlds weakest man with the ambition to become the worlds toughest. A feat he arguably achieved and continues to thrive under!  

How did he overcome all of the obstacles in his life? He callused his mind! If you are a gym goer, a callus will be familiar to you. It is what you get when you might workout for the first time and your hands aren’t used to it so they rip. When the skin repairs however, it comes back tougher. Callusing your mind refers to a similar event! Doing something for the first time, knowing you can and repeating the feat but pushing that little bit further the next time. Building calluses on the mind! 

I was never interested in completing an Ironman because of the physical challenge it will put me through. I was interested in the mental challenge and seeing how well I have actually trained my mind. I give advice, I write blogs, I talk and all the rest of it but how solid is my mentality? How able am I to do what I tell others to do? I believe I am capable, of course, but it’s time I start building my own anecdotes rather than referring to David Goggins and others like him when telling my stories to evidence the brilliance of controlling your mind. 

My journey is just beginning and it is one I want to bring others on with me to ensure that everybody gets the most out of their lives and realises their potential through the process of using their mind to their benefit. When it works for you rather than against you, you’re unleashed.  

Train your mind to succeed, callus it. If you want to know how you can specifically callus your mind with regard to something meaningful to you, get in touch and let us chat about it. 


James Loughray