Could you eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day? The answer, I would hope, is no. The same thing every single day will get inevitably boring and your pallet deserve to try something new from time to time. You will not know how much you are missing out on if all you did was eat the same thing and not try anything new, right?

Well, take this and apply it to your life, your routine. Do you do pretty much the same thing every day of the week or have the same routine most weeks of the year? Mix it up, throw in a curve ball, try something new, challenging, scary and/or different. Do not stay where you are and do as you do because there is so much you are missing out on. Do not eat the same meal every single day! You deserve to experience more.

Is it fear? Is it comfort within your routine? What is it? Something is holding you back and keeping you down and I am sure you know exactly what it is. You have not realised the importance of admitting your barriers to yourself yet and you have not made any effort to knock them down which is why you are still where you are doing as you always have done.

Do something that those close to you will be surprised to see you do. Something out of the ordinary, something new and exciting or better yet, something scary! Learn a new language? Visit a different country? Whatever it might be that you could think of, do it. Do not continuously eat the same meal every single day. You deserve to and you have the opportunity to try so much more.


James Loughray