In a race, if you look at others around you and focus on doing all you can to beat them, you may end up burning yourself out with the result being one of regret. You have not trained the same as the person along side you and so much about how you have prepared will be different so do not get caught up in running their race. What would be more beneficial would be if you just focused on you and your own race. This can relate to a lot of things in life.

Your experiences, your mental process, you views, opinions and so on will be so different to that of others that you should not try and fit into the life they are trying to create and become competitive. Working in a gym you see competitiveness every single day! Sometimes it is healthy and other times it is not. You have to weigh a situation up and be smart. Someone with years of experience may know a little more and be further down the line, that is ok. 

Knowing where you stand is good and understanding that there is no cap on your potential, that is key. Your potential, not theirs, yours. You have to mould your own path, run your own race, locate your own destination! Do not go based off of what somebody else is trying to achieve. I have experienced it many times in my own life where I have tried to keep up with someone rather than pacing myself, my way. 

Crossfit is a great example because workouts are strategic. Like in life you have to know your strengths and your weaknesses and not shy away from any of them. Play to your strengths and manage your weaknesses as well as improve on them. You know yourself better than anybody knows you so work off of that! 

I use CrossFit and racing others as an example because it is incredibly relatable to that of life. Following the crowd, trying to become somebody else, stop. You are you, relish in that and bring that beauty to the surface! Run your race, that way, nobody can beat you at the long game because nobody is in it for the same reasons as you are.  



James Loughray