Why do you wake up in the morning and get out of bed? What is it that makes you want to get up and go after your day? Is there something in particular you are seeking? Are you chasing something? Or do you just get up to the sound of the alarm and let the day happen to you rather than you controlling it?  

If the reason you woke up today is because you are working on creating an exciting future for yourself and that is what has inspired you to make today great then good for you, get after it. If, however, you have woken up today because the alarm went off but there is nothing you really seek or feel you want from the opportunity you have today, we need to change that.  

Remember, every single day is a blessing and one that you should appreciate having the opportunity to be a part of. If you let today pass you by without giving it a purpose or a cause, it is a waste of a day that somebody, somewhere, has died for. Let’s give you something to live for in every day shall we? 

The whole point of this is to give you a new found appreciation for each moment you live. Today, give yourself a goal, give yourself a purpose. Maybe it is to get out and do some exercise, make somebody smile, treat somebody to a coffee or meditate. Something small, nothing too difficult but something that will feel like an accomplishment. You may not notice it but the world needs you. 

After you do this for a few days, give yourself two goals or purposes per day until you wake up every morning knowing that there is something you are living for in that particular day. Do not let a single day pass you by, whether you do something for you or you do something for others, always find a reason to make today great. 

Do not live without a purpose. Somebody, including yourself, needs you. 


James Loughray