The radio silence from me the last few days is down to the fact that I have been in a room spending time with, and getting to know, some of the brilliant minds this world plays host to. I have spent the first three days of this week in London at a Harvey Thorneycroft Showcase where he brings together brilliant minds who have achieved amazing things by acting in a certain way, gets them up on stage and has them relay their stories, lessons and guidance. I was lucky enough to get a ticket!

TV Personalities, War Heroes, Leading Barristers, Olympic Gold Medalists and Formula 1 Legends took to the stage this year to give us, in the audience, an insight into how and why they did what they did and do what they do. It was incredible how all of them shared similar themed stories but under such different circumstances. Talking about courage, communication, the impact millennials have, leadership, attitude and so on, it was a very full on event with many things to ponder.

I have never been to a conference before but this was right up my street. Surrounded by like minded people who all had their own unique reasons for attending. Whether they were CEO’s, entrepreneurs, small start up businesses or employees of a large organisation, they were in that room trying to refine what they do and how they do it.

Before the event, during the breaks and after the event at the hosted drinks, it was a great opportunity to pick the brains of the speakers and attendees. I have never been in an environment like it before where there was such a supportive, community driven vibe amongst strangers. It evidenced what I always knew about the importance of meeting new people and building relationships that can positively impact your future both professionally and personally. There are so many people out there who you have never met who have something to offer, like you also have for others.

It was a first for me. I went in with an open mind, feeling slightly unusual having to where a blazer and a tie which is not something I have done at all since my finance days. To relay something I have mentioned on my blogs a few times before, can you get yourself out there amongst new people and build relationships that can support you as well as them? Can you put yourself in a unknown environment and build on who you are based on new experiences and interactions? Why not try it, throw yourself into something unusual for you and see who comes out the other side.


James Loughray