Sometimes you hear things, sometimes you read things and sometimes you say things and they just stick with you. A most notable personal one for me would be when in conversation with someone I said ‘you’re perfectly capable’ and those words have rang around my head every day since. With everything going on at the moment, everybody is finding themselves in similar scenarios but under different circumstances. It is proving incredibly hard for people to relinquish control on things they used to be in charge of and a lot of people are struggling to find their feet in this ‘lockdown life’ we currently find ourselves in.

Only focus on the things you can control. Too many people on too many occasions stress themselves out and lose themselves to things because they try to control the uncontrollable. What we have learnt during this pandemic is that it does not matter how much money, power or how many materialistic possessions you have, you are not in control at all. Flip the script, it does not matter how little you have in this world, you are still as important as the next person. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is more important than you BUT nobody is less important than you either.

What can you control? Not just during this pandemic but in life in general, before, during and after all of this, you can control how you respond to life. A lot of people live searching for reasons to complain, for reasons to be negative, for reasons to go against what is put in front of them. The kind of person who would willingly stay at home if it was their choice but when told to, for some reason, wants to rebel against it.

You have no control over anything other than, how you respond. That is completely within your control. Everybody is put in the same scenario, as I said before, under different circumstances but your response to it will go a long way to helping you deal with what is happening. You can complain, rebel, go against the grain but that won’t do anything for you because the rules are the rules, your hands are tied here. Or, maybe, you could go with it, do what you can to support. You might be in a position where you can donate to a local cause, your donation may be one of kindness and understanding where you do as you are asked and stay home, you may be able to shop for your elderly relatives or the high risk people living close to you. There are so many ways you can do something positive here that make a difference.

As I have always said, negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive. This is an opportunity for you to find a new way of living. I do not mean physically, I mean mentally. Wake up with a mentality of ‘I am going to make a difference today’. That might be staying home, offering help where you can, messaging someone and seeing if they are ok. There are loads of different ways you can spread a positive message and enhance the positive mentality within you.

You may not feel like you can offer much but you can. Give positivity a louder voice and spread it ferociously amongst those around you.

That is my reason for the blog today, an opportunity for me to spread some positive and give people a reason to think differently. You can control how you respond to life, please, for your sake just as much as anyone else’s, respond positively.


James Loughray