Goal setting, particular in my line of work as a Personal Trainer, is something I hear people talk about every single day. The problem is, if somebody else gives you a goal to achieve, you are less likely to achieve it. You have to want to achieve a goal in order to achieve it to your fullest potential. It is difficult, if you ask a client, ‘what is your goal?’ they will probably give you one or two but they either just came up with them on the spot so they did not respond with ‘umm, I do not know’ or they did not give you the honest answer because they themselves are not 100% sure yet.

Why do we need a goal? To be honest, we don’t. You can go through life, take it as it comes and every so often stop and smell the roses. However, we are all going somewhere, so why not make that somewhere a place where we want to end up? I have used my brutal honesty before, I will do the same again. We are all, one day, going to die. Between now and then, do not ‘take it as it comes’, work hard to make it beautiful and make it worthwhile. Seize the day, seize opportunities to live a beautiful life, do not look back with regret.

If you have a goal, you are showing an intention for something you want. If you know what you want, it is much easier to work towards getting there. What I mean by this is simple. The hardest part of reaching a goal is setting a goal in the first place. ‘I want to do something challenging', ‘I want to do something that will push me out of my comfort zone’, ‘I want to do something that will unlock potential I have not tapped into within my mental capacity yet’. These are all things I said during a coffee catch up over a year ago with fellow Personal Trainer Dan Garrido. The conversation ended with me saying, ‘An Ironman’.

I knew what I wanted out of my next target, my next goal but I was not 100% sure on what the goal was. Doing an Ironman had always been on my mind but I had never given enough thought or consideration to actually doing one. After being warned that doing an Ironman would really pull on my bank account before being warned of the physical challenge, I decided that enough was enough with the procrastination. Or did I? Dan told me he would help me find a good bike to do the race on. I had not even looked for a race to sign up to yet! This was back in September 2018. By the New Year, 2019, I did not have a bike and I had not signed up for an Ironman. I liked the thought of the challenge but obviously not enough to commit myself…

I believe that the universe works with you, not against you. If you put out into the universe what you want, it will do all that it can to help you get to where you need to go. You just need to stay positive, stay motivated and work everyday for the cause. So, enough was enough. I signed up for my Ironman event. Within a week, I had a bike, a coach and some sense of routine and method for the next 9 months of my life. It went from there.

My point here is this, if you do not know exactly what you want, it is very hard to find direction. However, when you take control of what you want, where you want to go, things around you will start happening and you just have to seize the moment to allow yourself to keep moving forward. This year has been a strange one for me. I have achieved my biggest ever feat in doing the Ironman but it feels like it has been a ‘nothing’ year. I do not know what is going on with me, I need to sit down with myself and analyse because I should be feeling more comfortable than I am.

If I am honest, I think I know I am better than what my 2019 shows of me to be. I guess as we embark on the beginning of 2020 it is time for me to get back on track…

Goals. They keep you focused, they keep you in line, they give you a sense of achievement and they unlock potential within yourself you may not even know you had. Pick one. Whether it is a daily goal, achievable goal or crazy dream… go for it. Remember, when you are aware of what you want, it is so much easier to work towards getting it.


James Loughray