Long story short, an introvert is a person who keeps themselves to themselves and does not do much by the way of 'expressing themselves'. An extrovert is someone who is always out there, being loud and proud and does not keep much in. If you asked me which one I think I am and what I think everyone should be? My answer to both of those questions would be, both. 

I am someone who is introvert and extrovert. You could call it balance! I love people, being social and spending time with others but I also value my own time just as much. I do like to be alone and enjoy having time to myself. I love going out and meeting people but there is always an end to that for me because I need the opportunity to recharge. 

Recharging for me is important because if I do not do it, I am little use to anyone. You know what, last night is the perfect example. I met a few friends for dinner and watched the football, I had a good time and ended up staying out a little later than planned. I have been craving this weekend to recharge but yesterday, I did not do that. I was little good to anyone in the evening because I was not all there. That is because I have not had the opportunity to recharge this weekend. Although, I will make the most of my chances today! 

Being an extrovert is awesome because it gets you out there, you meet people, you let your hair down and you open yourself up to others. There is nothing more beautiful than finding a connection with someone, whether it be a friendship or a romance. I think there is more opportunities to do this, by being extrovert.

Having said all of that, the benefit of being an introvert is having time to yourself and as I said, recharging. Find a balance between the two! You may favour one over the other but do please place yourself on both sides of the coin. Be out there and have fun but also take some time for yourself and relax a little, recharge and then come back as your highest self. 


James Loughray