Here is why not all mistakes need correcting. If you went back through your life and corrected all of the mistakes you ever made, you would be erasing yourself. You are who you are because of the mistakes you have made. You should embrace them. There are different levels to mistakes which I will dive into as the blog goes on. As you stand right here, right now, you are who you are because of everything that has happened in your life. All of the pros and all of the cons. Do not just focus on the positives because the negatives do you good too. Hindsight, it is a beautiful thing. 

There are, of course, different levels to the mistakes we make because some mistakes lead you down worse paths than others. For example, killing someone will place you in jail for the rest of your life whereas being in a relationship with the 'wrong' person, for a period of time, doesn't. Although, some people may argue that it feels like a similar sentence! They are both mistakes that teach you lessons in life but they are also on completely different levels. 

Every mistake we make is a lesson. Whether it is something extreme or it is something quite tame, there is something to learn there. I wish people would stop hiding away from mistakes and stop wishing they could turn back time because as I said, if you did correct all of your mistakes, you would be altering who you have become as a person. 

If you met someone tomorrow, someone you got along with so incredibly well, had so much in common with and immediately clicked. Whether it was a friendship or something romantic, whatever has happened in their life and your life to date, has put you both in the position where you have so many similarities. That is why hindsight is such a beautiful thing. 

Hindsight, I love it. At the time, something could seem tragic but when you look back on it in years to come and notice the impact it had on you as a person, you may appreciate the experience a lot more than you first imagined. So, what I am saying to you is two things. One, do not wish to correct all of your mistakes, they made you who you are today. Two, do not judge a situation for what it is immediately because in time, it may work out to be a lot different. 


James Loughray