Every single day, all you should be searching for is that little bit of progress. If you make 1% progress every single day, that is 365% progress of your being every year. Food for thought! Perfection, well, does it exist? Nobody is ever happy or satisfied with what they have, they always want more. That is such an awful way to see things. Let's discuss why!

Too many people search for perfection in materialistic things when really, that is just not what this is all about. As soon as you buy something you have always wanted, you then have it, what is next? I am sure you will begin searching for something else. The cycle will never end. Forget the materialistic things and start looking at yourself, as a person and your life. Perfection lies within the things money cannot buy. Family, friends, loved ones. 

I do not think there is a true definition of the word perfection. It literally means something different for everybody and some people will never find it if all they do is look for it. For me, everyday I look to progress. I look to work on who I am, what I have and take care of it and improve it where I can. 

Always looking for things to change is not smart, you should not have to fix something that is not broken, you could just improve it slightly. Unfortunately, a lot of people look to make drastic changes in their life because they feel as though it needs to happen, when in actual fact, the grass was not greener. 

If it is not broken, it does not need fixing. You should look at your life, redefine what you consider to be perfect and work on progressing yourself and the things around you. Stop looking for perfection. 


James Loughray