Just because it may take you longer than it took others, it does not mean you have failed. My aim today is to, as I have done before, target those people who compare themselves to others. I just want to remind you, you are living your life. Ensure that you are living your best life! A life free from comparisons and putting yourself down. 

Too many people look at others and compare themselves these days. They feel as though they are worse off or 'not as good' and that is ridiculous. First of all, nobody is better, nobody is worse as humans. Some people just work harder than others to put themselves in different positions and situations. Others make decisions that put them into trickier positions and make things harder for themselves. We are all given the same 24 hours. 

Second point I want to make, your age, the thing that everyone seems to think is a big deal, relax. Whether you are 22, 26, 39 or 58, you can still get a degree, you can still change your career. You could be in your 80's and still do something you have never done before that you have always wanted to do. It does not matter whether it takes you 5 years, 10 years or 20 years to get what you want, be true to yourself and make it happen. 

Typically, people get a degree in 3-4 years. Although, some people may take double the time or three times that. Well, it does not matter. Regardless of how long something takes you, it will never discount what you have achieved. In all honesty, I am more impressed by people who have had to work double or triple the time for something than I am with people who do thinks quickly. It is hard to stick at something for a prolonged period of time but it shows patience, passion and mental strength. 

Just remember, it is irrelevant how long it took someone else to do something. What is important is you and how hard you are working to achieve what you want to achieve. Your situation is completely different, your barriers are different and everything about your life is different. Never compare and never let it get you down. Keep doing you and keep working for what it is that you desire. 


James Loughray