Are you your biggest critic? Are you someone who is harder on themselves than anyone else could be? Do you put yourself down and tell yourself that you can do better and you should do better? I am that person for myself and I am sure a number of you are that person for you too. It is not necessarily a bad thing but just be careful. 

Self talk is vital. To be able to boost yourself, positively impact your mentality and be kind to yourself, it is very important. You can look at being your own biggest critic one of two ways. On one side, you are ensuring that you give your best and everything is always up to scratch. You do not accept half a job and you are always striving for more. On the other hand, however, you could be so hard on yourself that you never experience the feeling of appreciation for yourself, pleasure in something you are doing or achievement in something you have accomplished. 

Being too hard on yourself is not a good thing. You want to praise yourself from time to time too. If you become so used to pushing yourself and expecting more, that will cement in your mind and after time, it will be second nature for you to disapprove of everything you do and you will never win. Your emotions will constantly be negative and you will feel like you are always chasing. You do not want to be chasing. Especially when the thing you are chasing is your own appreciation and praise. Think about it. 

Balance out your mind. As often as you tell yourself you could do better, you have to praise yourself for trying. As frequently as you feel as though you were not your best, you have to appreciate reasons why and that being amazing is not always a possibility. You have complete control over your work ethic and if you can walk away from something saying you tried your best, that is a good win. Never put yourself down too much. 

Being your own biggest critic is a good thing, as long as you manage it correctly. 


James Loughray