One of your biggest problems in life and the biggest problems in modern day society, people tell their problems to almost anybody and everybody. Here is the breakdown, 79% of the people you tell probably do not care. 20% of the people you tell are probably happy that you have those problems and the other 1%, well, they are actually bothered about you and will be there for you. 

One of the biggest problems I had during my periods of anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks and so on was that I was constantly seeking advice from people. The reason I kept seeking it from other people was because nobody was telling me what I wanted to hear, all they kept telling me was the truth which of course is what you really need but in these kinds of situations, you get lost in other peoples opinions and advice if you are speaking to so many. It sounds silly now but I am sure this resonates with a few of you. In those situations you want somebody to tell you what you want to hear rather than what is actually real and honest. 

I refined my circle at this moment. I have mentioned a few times that I enjoy a smaller circle of close people rather than opening up to everybody. I noticed that I was telling people things and they wanted gossip, not to help. I was opening up to others and they did not seem interested in helping but they seemed to enjoy my suffering. 

The truth is, there are some horrible people out there who teach you some strong lessons in life. You have to learn these lessons though. Your circle, your closest friends and loved one, seek advice from 1 or 2 of them, not everybody who crosses your path. Remember, the truth is not always want you want to hear but it is definitely what you need to be told. 

At times of struggle, you can find yourself losing control of your emotions and seeking help and attention from everybody. The first thing to do is control that and contain the emotion among your closest friends and do not spill to everyone. Once you turn to your closest for advice and guidance, everything will become a lot simpler. You do not have the opinions of many, you have the opinions of a close few, that is important. 

Keep more to yourself. Do not seek attention off others who provably do not care nor have no interest in helping. Keep your circle small and ensure that it helps you grow. Otherwise, get a new circle. 


James Loughray