You can always trust a liar to lie but you cannot always trust an honest person to be honest. If I asked everyone who reads this blog to answer me one question, have you ever lied, then we would see a split between the people who say yes and the people who say no. The people who said yes are being honest. The people who said no, however, are lying. We have all told a lie in our time. Whether it was a little white lie or something that impacted your life on a larger scale, a lie is a lie. 

Do not be naive in thinking that nobody lies, everybody does. If not to others then they lie to themselves. In a sense, that can come at a much greater cost! Here is my stance on lying; I always lie to my Nan, making up stories about this, that and the other in good spirits knowing that she will not believe me. Fine, that is a bit of fun. However, my biggest problem was always lying to myself. 

In the past, time and time again I found that I was trying to convince myself of the fact I was happy, at peace and enjoying life. Incorrect James, stop lying to yourself. You know deep down whether you are living a truthful life or not and your gut instinct usually says all you need to hear in order to understand your situation. I crossed paths with myself and got to the bottom of it. 

I listened to the doubts in my tone of my self talk. I noticed that I was not convincing myself at all and I knew I was not happy with who I was or what I was doing, so I changed the script. Career, personal life, spirituality, exercise, you name it. I changed the lot. The battle is coming to terms with the fact you are not truthful in your own mind. If lying to yourself is something you have done your whole life, it will feel normal to you now. Catch yourself out, do what I do. Ask yourself a simple question. Are you happy? 

I meet a lot of people and discuss a lot of things. My final question every time is, 'are you happy?' If the immediate response is not a firm yes, the chances are, the answer is no. It is a simple question that makes you think about everything that your life is and makes you conclude on whether or not you are truly happy in life. Listen to yourself, what does your gut say? Do you need to make changes? 

If you do ask someone that question, it does not matter what they respond to you but the important thing is, you have got them thinking whether or not they are truly happy. 

With respect to other people, be careful. If we have the ability to lie to ourselves then of course we are in a position where lying to others would come naturally. It is a horrible trait and if it is one you possess, you must put an immediate stop to it. You do not want the reputation as a liar because all you will be trusted to do going forward is lying. 

Being honest may hurt sometimes but the way I see it is, I would rather be hurt by the truth than enjoy someones lie. Would you agree? 

Think about it. Again, I ask...

Are you happy? 


James Loughray