You can see someone everyday of your life and not be close to them. Closeness has nothing to do with distance but everything to do with connection. For example, who do you live with? Surely you see the people you live with every single day. What is your relationship like? A lot of people still live at home with their parents but their relationships are not strong. So, as I said, it has nothing to do with distance. 

Who are your close friends and loved ones that you hardly see? We all have that friend that we hardly see but when we do see them, it is almost like we were never apart, right? That is the beauty of connection. In life, you will meet some people once and never see them again and you will meet others that you see almost everyday, whether that be at work or the gym, for example. The thing is though, you can have a better connection with that person you are only ever going to see once than you can have with someone who you see everyday. Connections cannot be forced. 

One of the most beautiful things in life, other than nature, having connections with people and building relationships. We are beings. From the day we are born until the day we die we are living, growing beings who are adapting to the world and making our way. We are all doing it in our own unique way but we are not alone. There are approximately seven billion people doing this too. Why would we not want to connect with them? Why would we not want to join forces and make this life beautiful? It does not matter if you see someone once or you see someone everyday, build relationships and make connections. 

Build relationships with people and become close to them. There are many ways to keep in touch these days, one of the only benefits of social media in my opinion. Do not let someone just pass you by! You never know how well you might connect, get along and help each other. I have met people that I have spoken to once and only once, maybe locally or maybe on holiday, and at that moment their words meant nothing other than general conversation but in time, their words have come to me again and made sense within my situation. 

The universe gives you everything you need in order to succeed in this life, the people who pass you are included in that. Have you ever used a Sat Nav? When you miss a turning it gives you an alternative route to the same destination. Well, when you miss an opportunity in life, like talking to someone who has been put in your path, the universe will give you an alternative route and potentially the opportunity to cross that path again. Do not let them pass without an attempt at a connection. Build that closeness. It will either happen naturally or not at all. 

How are your relationships with people? Do you make effort? Do you keep to yourself? You do not need to become best friends with everybody but you do not need to avoid everybody either. Connect! 


James Loughray