You should like somebody because of their qualities, you should love somebody despite some of their traits. Perfect is a very hard thing to search for. You could find somebody that is 'almost perfect' for you, inside and out, but there is something about them that you may not be so fond of. Two things you need to think of here that I will touch on in the coming paragraphs. 

One, you are not perfect yourself and you will have some traits that people are not the biggest fans of. I know I say not to focus on other peoples opinions but you should listen to your loved ones. If you have something about you that they do not like, you should take great appreciation in the fact that they put up with it and look beyond it because regardless of anything, they love you. 

Two, if you really loved someone, you would look past one or two things that you may not like because they will be overshadowed by the hundreds of things about them that you love. You like them because of who they are and what they encompass as a person and you love them despite some of the things they have about them. It is the way it works! 

Appearance does not matter. If people are together because they both think the other one looks good but they cannot hold a deep and meaningful conversation, I do not hold much hope for that to work going forward. What is on the inside is what counts. Personality traits, ambition, drive and everything you want to see in a person. You cannot just love what you like about this person though, you have to grow to love and accept one or two things you may not like. That is what it really means to love everything about somebody.  

If you use the word love in a sentence directed at somebody but there are things about them you do not like and you are struggling to cope with, you do not love them. Either love someone for all of them or leave them be and do not pretend to love them at all. 


James Loughray