Recently I have been reading into decisional techniques and what ensures somebody is in the best possible place both mentally and physically when making certain decisions. I have read a lot about billionaire strategies and what they do and how they go about day to day life in order to be at the top of their game all of the time. 

The reason I am looking into this and why I want to share it with you is because as the days used to go on when I worked in finance I found myself fatiguing mentally. It made me think that surely, feeling mentally tired, has an impact on my decisions like feeling physically tired would have an impact on my activity. I let it be but recently decided to pay more attention to it. 

I was asked the other day what drives me to do this, my blog. I said, 'easy, passion for the cause'. I was then asked what time of day I do it and to be honest, it varies. Nine times out of ten, it is the last thing I do every night before bed to then post the following morning. The power of habit allows me to grab my laptop and get to work typing up something that I want to share with everybody. However, a new task or a task that does not bring me much joy I find tough. Late at night, it is as though my mind is fatigued and no longer wants to work for me. 

I was reading about Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook. He has a draw full of the same t shirts, trousers, underwear and socks. Everyday he wears the same thing because, as he says, if I have to think about what to wear, I have used up some of my thinking capacity for the day and that takes one decision away from me. I need to be able to make more important decisions than my choice of clothing. Fascinating, right? 

I guess the point behind todays blog is just to bring to your attention that you can fatigue psychologically just as much as you can fatigue physically and you should keep that in mind. Homework is really tough in the evening right? Course it is, you are probably mentally fatigued. In the morning you have a clearer mind and seem to get more done as well as make better decisions. Of course, you have had a night of resting your mind and you wake up fresh. 

It is all something to think about and ponder. Maybe you need to change your routine and do the important things first thing in the day. I like insightful things like this, they always make me more aware of things I once took for granted. The ability to make decisions being one of those things. 


James Loughray