I want to start this blog with a thank you. Today is my 200th blog in a row and I want to express my gratitude to those of you who take the time out of your day to pay attention to what I have to say. I started this journey because I feel as though I have a lot to give in respect of helping people change and improve their lives as I constantly try to do so myself. So, having said that, happy 200th and thank you for your attention, support and I wish you well. Here's to 200 more. 

If you allow it to be the case your weaknesses can really limit you. One thing your weaknesses do not like, however, is attention. If you pay attention to your weaknesses and work on making them strengths then the limits they potentially had on you are no more. I am really enjoying picking my life apart and changing my perspective on individual things these days.

I went through a process of change where I looked at all the big areas of my life such like; relationships, spirituality, physical activity and career and made changes within those areas. Now that I have tabs on all of those things, I am looking at the finer things. I start with the current day. What about today did I like, what did I not like and how can I be better tomorrow. Today is the best place to start when assessing your current situation because it is the most up to date analysis you have. 

As the Chinese proverb states, 'the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now'. You should have been taking care of yourself from the very beginning but if you have not been, now is the next best time to start. How does your life look? What does your future hold? You are never too young or too old to assess this, we have time to do something different. The only difference is the level of 'different' we can apply to our lives. Some may have 10 years to play with, others may have 2 or 3. Regardless, you can start now. 

What areas of your life are weaknesses? If you do not think there are any but still feel like you need to make a change, break your life down into categories of what your life entails and then find your weakness within those categories. Sometimes, as I said with myself, the weakness is not evident on the grand scheme of things but when you look within, you may just find it. Do so and pay it so much attention that you can no longer describe it as a weakness. 

Become your best self, live your best life. Thrive off weaknesses because they give you a chance to better yourself and improve. 



James Loughray