The Law of Attraction is incredible and affirmations are ridiculously powerful! Over the weekend I was tasked with trying to imagine myself in the space, mentality and emotions of ‘me’ when I have achieved everything I want to achieve. What this does is put you in a space where you feel all the emotions of your successes, senses of your achievements and puts out to the universe that this is how you want to feel.

What this is beneficial for is allowing the universe to pull you in the direction you need to go, putting you in front of the things you need to face. What usually happens is you are pushing and some times resisting because you do not know how you want to or will feel when all is achieved and aligned. It was an interesting task and sometimes it became quite difficult because you had to be zoned into how you imagined you would feel quite heavily, which was tough.

You should try this! Say for example, you have just been given or you have just purchased tickets to a festival, concert, football game or just on a trip and you think about being there, get all excited and start imaging what it will be like! You get the overwhelming, hair standing up on the back of your neck feeling because that is how you will feel when you are there. What you are doing is imagining yourself in the space you are going to/want to be in and feeling all the emotions of it but in the now. It is exactly like that!

Do not put yourself under too much pressure and imagine yourself with everything you want. Just start with one or two things and bring those thoughts to fruition and imagine the feelings, freedom, experience and so on that comes with having what you desire. It can be difficult to maintain but when you see yourself falling out of that space, notice it and pull yourself back in!

I found it interesting and I am going to try it again for the rest of this week and see what I can get from it emotionally. GOOD LUCK!


James Loughray