I have so much unfinished business with myself and I am ok with that. I know that I will never consider myself to be the finished article but I am ok with that too. I am aware of when I do good things and I am cautious of when I need to take a step back and analyse what I am doing. I enjoy that process and I wish others did too! We all have unfinished business with ourselves because if we can honestly sit there and say we are at the peak of our potential, we are wrong! There is always more for you to give. However, you must always be able to appreciate who you are and where you are at on your journey.

People get to certain heights and remain there because they find a certain level of comfort and that is spot on as long as they are happy. I am working my way through life ensuring that I remain happy on a journey to find ultimate happiness. It sounds quite ridiculous when I say it like that but all I really mean is I am searching for what I consider to be happiness. There are many aspects to happiness, in my opinion, and those are aspects I continue to explore.  

I have conducted a change of routine regarding a few things this year already! Getting myself a coach to programme me through the journey of my Ironman, being more sporadic and less pressured about posting a blog every single day. There is two things that to me are quite big but to others may not seem like much. All I am doing is creating a bond of shared control in one aspect, the Ironman and creating complete personal control in the impact my blog has on me from a habitual standpoint, second aspect! 

I do not necessarily get bored too easily but I find myself becoming comfortable too quickly, sometimes. That is when I know I need to mix things up and try something new or shine a diamond I have already put in place. Does this resonate with you? Do you feel you become comfortable where you do not want to stay? If so, do you struggle to move away from that comfort zone or are you quite brutal with it and ensure that you keep yourself on the march forward? 

I find that the best thing to do is do something new every week, no matter how small, in order to open yourself up to other opportunities and ventures! Whether they be personal or professional, never let yourself or your mind rest on its laurels for too long!  

Do you have unfinished business with yourself? I bet you do.


James Loughray