Yes, I get my hair cut every week. It is one of my favourite parts of my weekly routine, do not judge me! Every Wednesday at 11, off I go! I have always had the same haircut, it has never changed and I have never really done anything special with it. I do not get it cut because it has to be a certain way or because it is easier to have short hair. I get my hair cut so often because it is the only time in a busy weekly schedule when I can sit down, sit still and do nothing other than breathe, think and sometimes even (almost) fall asleep!

I know it is hard to find time in the day to sit and relax. Sometimes you think you are but in reality you are not because you have a busy mind, you are subconsciously somewhere else and you are not tuning in to you. When I sit in the chair to get my hair cut, I completely relax and I spend 15-20 minutes doing nothing other than that. Relaxing. Sometimes I have a laugh and a joke, sometimes I sit in silence and almost fall asleep, other times it is quite busy and I am not doing anything but I am awake to my surroundings. However, I am always sat down, doing nothing.

I work a shorter day on a Wednesday so at the end of that shift I go to the barbers. It breaks my week up knowing I have that to look forward to as my sense of ‘me time’ after two and a half long days of being on my feet and active. I love what I do, I love what I do so much and would not change it for the world but we all need time to ourselves doing something for us during our busy schedules.

Do you have anything in your calendar that you know is solely based around you, your time, your needs and your love for something? If you don’t, then start to add something in. I make mine practical like a haircut because I will not let the hairdresser down by not showing up so I will never miss it. If you just schedule in a walk, you might not do it due to the weather or lack of motivation to do so at the time. Put time in for something that you can go to but that is solely for you.

Time flies and if you let it, weeks could go by without you doing anything for you. You should prioritise time for yourself in order to keep yourself sane and grounded day to day, week by week. Start today, what can you introduce for you?


James Loughray