Psychological wise, you will not find any release or support on social media by venting all of your feelings in a box that asks ‘what is on your mind?’ I do not see it anymore because I am not apart of it but I hear about it a lot. ‘So and so posted this, that and the other about blah blah blah’. I do not quite understand what people want from their emotional outbursts but unfortunately, social media has become a place for easy attention.

The era of quick fixes is one we are living in right now and if you are somebody who falls victim to quick fix ads then you are probably someone who falls victim to short term release by confiding in the social media psychological gurus. Posting a photo so your ‘babes’ tell you how beautiful you look, posting a moan so your ‘friends’ tell you what to do and how to do it, telling everyone you do not like how you look or that you lack confidence but posting endless ‘selfies’ which scream ‘I love myself’.

My favourite quote from a list that I came up with myself was from way back and was inspired by happenings on social media. ‘Everyone should love themselves, just do not be arrogant about it’. There is a canyon between the two. Being happy in your own skin, appreciating your flaws, understanding the uniqueness of your bio-indivual beauty and loving you for you is completely different from that of telling, showing and acting like you are (believe you are) the most amazing thing to ever grace this planet.

This blog started as a plea to stop people turning to social media for comfort when things get tough because offloading on there will not solve any problem you have, but has turned into a blog about people who do as they do just to get attention. Similar thing I guess! The list of attention seekers on social media is endless and it is poor form on all accounts. You do not have to have knowledge to be successful, you do not have to have brains to be successful, with social media you just need an appearance and an arrogance. The world has taken a harsh turn.

Jealously? Nope, not at all. I know who I am, what I want and where my beliefs lie. Frustrated? 100% because the endless mind numbing people who negatively impact the lives of those who look at them purely because they look good is scary. It seems as though there is a large chunk of the global population that gives a damn about your granola breakfast, chai tea, mirror in the gym and relationship problems. What people look for these days is not people skills, common sense, respect, integrity and all of the other foundations that build good people. All they look for is attention and various ways to get it.

Oh dear, we have a problem.

YOU’RE PERFECTLY CAPABLE to solve any problem you have without turning to social media.

YOU’RE PERFECTLY CAPABLE to find comfort in your own skin by being in your own space and not opening yourself up to all of this endless tunnelled nonsense that happens on these social media sites.

YOU’RE PERFECTLY CAPABLE to live, breathe and thrive in the world without having to document every second of your day on a story nobody really cares about.

YOU’RE PERFECTLY CAPABLE to be you, do not lose that by trying to copy, be or live up to the expectations and standards of somebody else.

James Loughray