Someone confided in me recently about their child who did not fit in and acted slightly different to other kids. They were worried about the prospect of their child being left out and not being part of social groups and so on. I understood why they were concerned but I offered my advice which was, ‘they do not fit in? Do not panic!’ 

You do not want to force people to fit in and tell them that they are doing something wrong if they do not because at some stage they will follow the herd when you wish they didn’t. Nobody notices the individual cars in a traffic jam but everybody notices the one car that is driving freely in the opposite direction. 

It is never an issue if you do not fit in, act the same, like the same things or connect with certain others. That is just the way it is sometimes and your uniqueness does not blend well with the groups others have formed. No dramas! I admire it in youngsters too because they are so free and able to be whoever they want and do as they please. 

I can only hope that when they get older they maintain that ability to remain free and do not become sucked in by some of societies drain plugs that pull you in and spit you back out in the sewer. The freer you feel, the more unique you become and the more self love and appreciation you experience in the long run. I remember I did not particularly fit in with ‘that crowd’ when I was in school and originally it bothered me because I wanted to. However, I remember the day I decided I was not all that bothered and now I am incredibly happy for the impact that has had on me and my life. Even more so when I see ‘that crowd’ living it... down. 

So, if you do not fit in, do not panic, you are better off as you are anyway and you should NEVER change who you are just to fit in with someone else.


James Loughray