All stress begins with one negative thought. A thought that went unchecked which was the followed up by other thoughts similar to it. These thoughts snow ball negativity which causes stress to manifest. The result is stress but the cause was negative thinking. The negative thinking began with a negative thought. It does not matter what you manifested, all that matters is that you were capable of manifesting it. Now take that fact and work on changing the outcome. Start with one positive thought and follow it up with another, and then another.

The book that changed my life is ‘The Key to Living The Law of Attraction’ and following on from that book there is a book of teachings which offers up one piece of genius every single day for you to take in. I purchased this book in the airport last week and already, in such a short space of time, the power of what I am putting into my mind is working wonders for my mentality, vision, purpose and passion. You know when you almost fall into a state of flux because you are becoming tied up in a routine? Well I feel as though I almost fell into that trap recently.

When I left my previous job I told myself that I would never allow myself to become comfortable until I had achieved what I had set out to achieve. Recently, I spent a few days waiting for some things to happen for me and nothing materialised. It was not until an incredible trip to London for a conference and the sighting of this book of teachings that I realised I had drifted into auto pilot and I needed to snap out of it.

Sometimes this happens and if you are not aware of it the effects can be quite stressful. You can put yourself down, have negative thoughts about yourself, your ability and your potential, which is not a good sign at all. All this means is that you are manifesting stress by thinking negatively and you need to change your thought process in order to positively impact your mentality. Sit yourself down, remind yourself what your goals are and why you are here and relight the fuse that may be fading slighting inside of you.

Stress comes in many shapes and sizes but ultimately, it is born out of negative thinking. Do you notice how often you think negative and are you able to flip the script and inflict positive thoughts on your mind? Try it, next time negativity creeps in, notice it and make the switch.


James Loughray